872 route du Dorier
Association law of 1901
Declaration of the Prime Minister 311-74-82 of 21-11-74
Siret No. 449 522 861 00011
The so-called "LOISIR ET SOLEIL" association, founded in 1974 in accordance with the Law of 1st July 1901, represents a way of living in harmony with nature characterized by a practice of nudity in common which aims to promote respect of oneself, respect for others and for the environment.
It has its headquarters at 4 rue André Malraux in SAINT-ETIENNE
It was declared in the Prefecture of SAINT-ETIENNE under number 311-74 / 82 on November 18, 1974 (Official Journal of December 9, 1974).
Its duration is unlimited.
1) It puts at the disposal of the population and the youth a reception area "LE DORIER" located at SAINT-VICTOR, at a place called DORIER, commune of SAINT; ETIENNE. It aims to make known the benefits of naturism, to mitigate the misdeeds of modern life, noise, pollution, alcohol by placing the individual in its original setting, in contact with the natural elements: the sun , air and water.
LOVE, RESPECT, PROTECT nature and animals.
GIVE EVERYONE the opportunity to relax in a family atmosphere.
2) It offers recreational, educational and sports activities. On the grounds of DORJER, it offers sports activities such as volleyball, swimming, petanque and fun activities, etc ...
Off the field, other activities may be proposed.
In winter, swimming in the municipal swimming pool is offered once a week with the approval of the Municipality of Saint-Etienne renewed every year.
The association is forbidden any discussion or demonstration having a political or denominational character.
The association consists of active members. To be an active member, you have to
- have paid the annual membership fee and the entrance fee for new members.
The amount of the subscription and entrance fee is set each year by the General Assembly.
The title of honorary member may be awarded by the Board of Directors to natural or legal persons who render or have rendered services reported to the association.
Admission to the association "LOISIR ET SOLEIL" is in principle reserved for couples and families. However, derogations may be allowed for individual applications, after examination and approval by the Board of Directors.
The association is open to any person of full age and good character, determined to put into practice the essential rules of naturism and gymnastics, without distinction of race, nationality, political opinion, religion and social level.
All members will be appointed at a meeting of the Board of Directors and at least after a period of twenty four months of registration with the association.
This appointment will be made by a majority of the votes of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors reserves the right to extend the probationary period twelve months after the twenty-four months of registration.
Any provisional or definitive admission entails for the beneficiary the full acceptance of these statutes and the club's rules of procedure.
Membership is lost
1) by the resignation of the person concerned. It must be done by registered letter addressed to the Board of Directors before 31 December of the year of the current membership.
(2) by striking out for non-payment of the assessment or for serious misconduct. The person concerned may appear before the Board of Directors to provide explanations
The Board of Directors may pronounce a cancellation:
* for anyone who ceases to meet the admission requirements of Articles 2 and 4,
* for any person who, by his conduct or by his remarks, would become a subject of trouble or would bring the association into disrepute,
* for anyone who has failed to respect the rules of procedure.
Delisting will only be final after a secret ballot vote by a majority of the members of the bureau. A cancellation does not have to be motivated for a trainee member.
The association is non-profit. The resources of the association are composed
1) annual membership fees;
(2) grants that may be granted by the State, departments, municipalities, public institutions or public services;
3) sums received as compensation for the services provided by the association
4) all other resources authorized by the laws and regulations reserve funds include capital from the savings made on the annual budget.
The Association "LOISIR ET SOLEIL" is affiliated to the French Naturism Federation.
The association is administered by a Board of Directors of 5 to 10 members elected by secret ballot for three years in General Assembly by constituency whose composition is fixed in the following paragraph.
An elector is any active practicing member or officer who has paid dues to date, at least 18 years of age on the day of the election.
Proxy voting is allowed. On the other hand, postal voting is not allowed
Eligible for the Board of Directors, any major member, up to date of his contributions, having at least two consecutive years of seniority in the club, established and enjoying his civil and civic rights.
The Board of Directors is renewed each year by a third party. The outgoing members are either resigning, or at the end of the three-year period for which they have been elected or chosen by lot.
The Board of Directors elects from among its members, by secret ballot, its office composed of the president, the vice-presidents, secretaries and treasurers of the association.
The office is elected for one year. In the event of a vacancy, the Board of Directors provisionally provides for the replacement of its members. It is proceeded to their definitive replacement by the next general assembly. The powers of the members so elected shall terminate when the term of office of the replaced members expires.
The Board of Directors may also appoint one or more chairmen, vice-chairmen or honorary members who may attend meetings of the Board of Directors with advisory votes.
The Board of Directors must meet once a quarter and whenever it is convened by its chairman or at the request of a quarter of its members.
The presence of a third of the members of the Board of Directors is necessary for the validity of the deliberations.
Decisions are taken by an absolute majority, in case of division, the vote of the president is preponderant.
Minutes of meetings are kept. The minutes are signed by the president and the secretary. They are transcribed without blanks or erasures on a register provided for this purpose.
The Board of Directors is vested with the broadest powers for the management and administration of the Association. It does and authorizes all acts falling within the object of society. In particular, he may take any commitment and make any transaction. This enumeration is enunciative and not limiting.
The Board of Directors draws up the rules of procedure.
All cases not provided for in the statutes and the internal regulations are submitted to the Board of Directors, which decides without appeal.
The president or one of the vice president as well as the secretary represents the association in the relations with the authorities of the city or department. They use their authority to ensure the smooth running of the association.
In case of unavailability of the president, one of the vice-presidents acts as interim.
The treasurer is solely responsible for the financial funds of the association. It collects all receipts and pays all expenses authorized by the Board of Directors. It must keep only the working capital necessary for the regulation of current expenses.
The work of the association is distributed, if the Board of Directors deems it necessary, between different committees which may be part of the non-elected members of the Board of Directors.
A Naturist Ethics Committee may be formed.
He will support the Board of Directors in his action.
It will be composed of 3 to 6 members elected by the General Assembly.
To be a candidate for CEN, on the day of the election, you must be of age, up to date of your contributions and have 10 years of successive presence within the association.
Member functions:
* CEN,
* from the administration board
* and auditors are not cumulative.
The CEN is responsible for conveying the naturist ethics to the members, by any means (charter, information meetings, seminar ..) and to ensure its respect, in association with the Board of Directors. CEN, through its consultative function, assists the Board of Directors in making important decisions in the life of the Club (new members becoming permanent, penalties ...)
The Board of Directors and the CEN must meet at least once a year and whenever the Board of Directors convenes the CEN
An operating budget can be allocated to CEN
An activity report will have to be presented to the General Assembly.
The members of the Board of Directors can not receive any compensation for the functions entrusted to them. Paid or compensated employees may only attend the meetings of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity.
The financial report submitted to the General Meeting shall mention the reimbursement of mission expenses or travel or representation expenses paid to members of the Board of Directors.
The general assembly of the association includes all the major members provided for in the first paragraph of Article 3 up to date of their contributions.
It meets at least once a year and, in addition, whenever it is convened by the Board of Directors or at the request of at least a quarter of its members.
Its agenda is set by the Board of Directors. It deliberates on the reports relating to the management of the Board of Directors and on the moral and financial situation of the association. It has at least two auditors appointed and instructed them to report on the conduct of these.
It approves the accounts of the closed fiscal year, votes the budget, and the tariff of the following season and deliberates on the questions put on the agenda.
It provides for the renewal of the members of the Board of Directors under the conditions set out in Article 8.
The Ethics Committee will be elected under the same conditions as the Board of Directors.
It confers on the Board of Directors or certain members of the board any authorization to carry out the operations falling within the object of the association and for which the statutory powers would be insufficient.
The convocations are sent at least fifteen days in advance and indicate the agenda.
Written questions asked by one of the members of the Assembly must be formulated at least one week before the date of the General Assembly. The Board of Directors reserves the right to postpone answers to questions not included in the agenda.
Decisions are taken by a simple majority of the votes of the members present and possibly represented at the meeting. Voting may be requested either by the Board of Directors or by a quarter of the members present. For the validity of the deliberations, the presence of a quarter of the members referred to in Article 3 is necessary.
For the general meeting of the association to take place, the quorum is set at 45% plus one vote of the present or represented at the meeting.
In the event that this quorum is not reached, a second general assembly will be convened with the same agenda, at least 15 days apart which will deliberate regardless of the number of voting members.
Any member of the association entitled to vote may be represented by another member who has the right to vote at that meeting.
Nevertheless, no one may hold more than two powers at ordinary and extraordinary general meetings.
The expenses are scheduled by the Board of Directors under the supervision of the President.
The association is represented in court and in all acts of civil life by its president, or, failing that, by any other member of the Council authorized for this purpose by the Board of Directors.
At each meeting of the Board of Directors, a financial statement of expenses and receipts will be presented.
The general meeting has an extraordinary character when it deliberates on any modification of the statutes, on the dissolution and the attribution of the property of the association, on the merger with any association of the same object.
The articles of association may only be amended on the proposal of the Board of Directors or one-tenth of the members of the general meeting, submitted to the Board at least one month before the meeting.
The meeting must consist of at least one quarter of the members referred to in the first paragraph of Article 12.
If this proportion is not reached, the meeting is convened a second time, but at least 15 days apart. It can then deliberate regardless of the number of members present.
In any case, the amendment of the statutes can only be pronounced by a two-thirds majority of the votes of the members present and possibly represented at the meeting.
The general meeting called to decide on the dissolution of the association and convened specifically for this purpose, must include at least half plus ONE of the members referred to in the first paragraph of Article 12.
If this proportion is not reached, the meeting is convened again, but at least 15 days apart.
She can then deliberate whatever her the number of members present. In any case, the dissolution of the statutes of the association can only be pronounced by a two-thirds majority of the votes of the members present and possibly represented at the assembly.
The dissolution must be declared to the prefecture or sub-prefecture of the head office.
In the event of dissolution by any means whatsoever, the meeting designates one or more commissioners charged with the liquidation of the property of the association. It allocates the net assets in accordance with the Law to one or more public or similar similar associations with a similar purpose or to any public or public utility establishment of its choice.
The president must make within the three months, to the prefecture, the declarations envisaged with the Article 3 of the Decree of August 16, 1901 on the regulation of public administration for the application of the Law of July 1, 1901 and concerning in particular
1) The title changes of the association:
2) The transfer of the registered office;
3) Changes in the Board of Directors and its office.
4) The modifications of the statutes
The rules of procedure are drafted by the Board of Directors.
In accordance with article 20 of our articles of association, we declare that the place of residence of our registered office has been modified at our meeting of December 11, 2014 held at the Maison des Associations de Saint Etienne. This change was made with the agreement of Mrs. Dominique FLAMMIN, president of LOISIR AND SOLEIL OF SAINT ETIENNE.